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Hope for the Hopeless Project (HHP)

There are quite a number of prison inmates who have been in prison for so many years and have not been tried because they cannot afford legal services. This has been a major problem which these inmates or their relatives cannot solve. Some of these inmates have spent more than the term of the punishment of the offence they are accused of in the prison, while some if tried could be found innocent and lack of their trail means taking an undeserved punishment for years.

On the other hand, there are inmates that have been tried, sentenced to death and have explored their appeal. This second group does not have any further hope, as most of them do not even have the right of appeal because they were convicted by a military tribunal.

However, we have the option of approaching the Economic Community of West Africa Society on their behalf. The solution to this problem is to take up the cases of these inmates Pro Bono.


We have estimated the sum of N500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira only) for the cost of the defence of each inmate from the start to finish. This will cover the cost of producing the documents to be filed, Medical examination of inmates, travel expenses, filling fees, transportation and tips to be given to legal practitioners that shall be involved in these cases. More legal practitioners shall be involved because there are quite a number of these inmates.

Save Africa Project (SAP)

The stench of poverty which pervades our body polity and the overwhelming sense of inferiority and injustice felt by the poor and downtrodden, no doubt, have culminated into mass migration of Africans to seek greener pastures in Asia, Europe, etc, and the search for foreign aid, is demeaning of the African image and speaks volume of the African child’s lack of self-esteem and creative and critical thinking.

These are some of the problems that Project SAP Nigeria seeks to address. The goal of its set trainings is to equip at least 2 million people in Africa by 2028 with relevant skills that will keep them busy enough to build, rather than tear down our motherland.


We have equally estimated the sum of N1,000,000.00 (One Million Naira only) per community for SAP.

Towards Advancing Peace (TAP)

The spate of killings and loss of properties in Nigeria resulting from insurgency, tribal disharmony and religious extremism, which are now creeping up the walls of the nation, is becoming alarming and of great concern to the country and the world at large. This is more saddening giving their obvious overwhelming nature on the security operatives, with the complex geographical setting is examined. Amongst other reasons, it is observed that these can be traced to a lot of loopholes which the SAP project seeks to block. Thus, the need to set pro-active measures towards forestalling crisis, reorientation, organizing public seminars, lectures, workshops and symposia, creation of opportunities to be fully engaged. As a corollary to this, we are also poised to provide training on self-sustaining skills for our youth-participants, in order to change their mindset.

The other programmes under Project TAP Nigeria, focus on the crisis in Kaduna, Bauchi (torn by cattle rustlers) and Jos, Plateau State, is aimed at finding a far-reaching solution to the crisis-ridden town; and dealing with the problems foisted by the infamous Boko Haram sect. “Boko Haram” or “Jama’atul Ahliss-Sunnah Ladda’ avaiti wal Jihad”, as they prefer to be called.


The sum of N1,000,000.00 (One Million Naira only) is also estimated per community for TAP.

Success Stories

Mimuna Abdulmumimi v Federal Republic of Nigeria (ECW/CCJ/APP/15/13) – this case involved a 13 years old girl who was sentenced to death and was on death row for several years. Our counsel/ CEO was the lead counsel who handled the matter for Avocat San frontires and obtained judgment in her favor and she is now free.

Gabriel Inyang v Federal Republic of Nigeria (ECW/CCJ/APP/03/18) – The two applicants in this case have been on death row for more than 23 years and the second applicant is already paralyzed. In this case the trial and conviction of the applicants by the armed forces Tribunal was held to be in great violation of Article 7 of the African Charter of Human and People’s Rights; and that Nigeria was in violation of her International obligations. The court thereafter ordered the immediate release of the applicants.

Thankgod Ebo v Federal Republic of Nigeria (EWC/CCJ/APP/14/13) – the subject matter is in respect of a man who has been on the death row for more than 20 years. His death warrant was signed and he was taken to the gallows. His colleagues were executed, but he was returned back to the prison because the gallows was not prepared for his mode of execution. Our counsel/ CEO was the lead counsel who handled the matter for Avocat San frontires and obtained judgment in his favor. We got restraining Order, stopping the planned execution and finally won the case. Thankgod is now a free man.